Monday, 2 January 2012

MEST 4 Xmas Task #2


Culture and power: challenging discourses (2000) - By María José Coperiás Aguilar

"In advertising, it is obvious that "sex sells". Women are often represented in ads from an explicitly sexual angle: their desirability is what sells." - pg.132

Representing men: maleness and masculinity in the media (2003) , Kenneth MacKinnon

“Particular target audiences for advertisements may well have vastly differing conceptions of what is most desirable as masculine (or feminine) traits” – pg 93

The Media Student's Book (1999) By Gill Branston, Roy Stafford

"When audiences see aspirational adverts, they associate it with a whole desirable style of life, and to feel that not owning the product would involve personal failure”. - pg 379 

The metrosexual: gender, sexuality, and sport (2008) By David Coad

"Passively inviting our gaze" - pg 21

Sex in Advertising: Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal (Communication) (2003) By Tom Reichert

"Marketers continue to use more sex in advertising for a greater range of products. For example a ad for Linux hardware recently wrote "Dont feel bad, our servers wont go down on you either". - pg. 1

Television Studies: The Key Concepts (2001) (Routledge Key Guides) By Neil Casey 

"The sexual objectification of women is apparent throughout a range of media texts, especially, though by no means exclusively in relations to stars and celebrities" - pg 158

"Televisions roles in agenda-setting, gatekeeping and cultural leadership clearly continue to be crucial" - pg. 169  


Aguilar, María José. Culture and power: challenging discourses. Valencia: Universitat de València, 2000. Print.

Attwood, Feona. Mainstreaming Sex The Sexualization of Western Culture.. London: I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., 2010. Print.
Branston, Gill, and Roy Stafford. The media student's book. London: Routledge, 1999. Print.
Casey, Neil. Television studies: the key concepts. London: Taylor & Francis Books Ltd, 2001. Print.
Coad, David. The metrosexual: gender, sexuality, and sport. Albany: SUNY Press, 2008. Print.
Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. The Lolita effect: the media sexualization of young girls and what we can do about it. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2008. Print.
MacKinnon, Kenneth. Representing men maleness and masculinity in the media. London: Arnold, 2003. Print.
Reichert, Tom, and Jacqueline Lambiase. Sex in Advertising
Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal. Hoboken: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. Print.
Singer, Linda, Judith Butler, and Maureen MacGrogan. Erotic welfare: sexual theory and politics in the age of epidemic. New York: Routledge, 1993. Print.


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